Living in the Land Where Clouds are Born
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  1. Jayne:
    Dec 10, 2020 at 10:26 AM

    Stunning, and your paint-making adventure sounds just like the daft sort of thing I would do if I had the opportunity.

    You don't know me, you might not want to publish this, but please can I caution you about the logs you have around your wood burner. I know of one incident where logs stored in this way caught fire; thankfully the homeowner was present and able to get out quickly and call the fire brigade. Disaster was averted because a neighbour charged in with buckets and thick gloves and physically pulled out all the burning wood before the fire could spread.

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Comments (1)

  1. Jayne:
    Dec 10, 2020 at 10:26 AM

    Stunning, and your paint-making adventure sounds just like the daft sort of thing I would do if I had the opportunity.

    You don't know me, you might not want to publish this, but please can I caution you about the logs you have around your wood burner. I know of one incident where logs stored in this way caught fire; thankfully the homeowner was present and able to get out quickly and call the fire brigade. Disaster was averted because a neighbour charged in with buckets and thick gloves and physically pulled out all the burning wood before the fire could spread.


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