Living in the Land Where Clouds are Born
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  1. Paul Campbell:
    Feb 11, 2021 at 06:12 AM

    Very interesting, I hadn't thought about this before now but yes I can see this happening. Personally, my income and outgoings have pretty much stayed the same all the way through so I haven't needed to save any more than usual, however, I know my neighbour who retired last year has been saving more just in case the lockdown goes on longer than we all think so he has some money put away. Yes, it is pretty true that we are all in the same water, some of us just have lifeboats, while others have anchors around their necks.

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Comments (1)

  1. Paul Campbell:
    Feb 11, 2021 at 06:12 AM

    Very interesting, I hadn't thought about this before now but yes I can see this happening. Personally, my income and outgoings have pretty much stayed the same all the way through so I haven't needed to save any more than usual, however, I know my neighbour who retired last year has been saving more just in case the lockdown goes on longer than we all think so he has some money put away. Yes, it is pretty true that we are all in the same water, some of us just have lifeboats, while others have anchors around their necks.


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