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  1. Jayne:
    Dec 10, 2020 at 10:26 AM

    Stunning, and your paint-making adventure sounds just like the daft sort of thing I would do if I had the opportunity.

    You don't know me, you might not want to publish this, but please can I caution you about the logs you have around your wood burner. I know of one incident where logs stored in this way caught fire; thankfully the homeowner was present and able to get out quickly and call the fire brigade. Disaster was averted because a neighbour charged in with buckets and thick gloves and physically pulled out all the burning wood before the fire could spread.

    1. rseabrook:
      Dec 10, 2020 at 04:57 PM

      Paint-making falls firmly in the daft project category. It's nice to know I'm not the only one!

      I'm quite happy to publish this comment, and thanks for the caution. I didn't mention it here because it wasn't the focus of the post, but that particular wood burner has a jacket of water all around it, that feeds the central heating. The water takes so much heat away that the sides are usually cool enough to touch, especially the left one that still has its outer panel. It's worth noting that not all stoves are like this, though.

      1. Jayne:
        Dec 10, 2020 at 06:19 PM

        reassuring to know - I have no experience of your sort of wood burner, only my 'normal' one which obviously gets blisteringly hot!

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Comments (3)

  1. Jayne:
    Dec 10, 2020 at 10:26 AM

    Stunning, and your paint-making adventure sounds just like the daft sort of thing I would do if I had the opportunity.

    You don't know me, you might not want to publish this, but please can I caution you about the logs you have around your wood burner. I know of one incident where logs stored in this way caught fire; thankfully the homeowner was present and able to get out quickly and call the fire brigade. Disaster was averted because a neighbour charged in with buckets and thick gloves and physically pulled out all the burning wood before the fire could spread.


    1. rseabrook:
      Dec 10, 2020 at 04:57 PM

      Paint-making falls firmly in the daft project category. It's nice to know I'm not the only one!

      I'm quite happy to publish this comment, and thanks for the caution. I didn't mention it here because it wasn't the focus of the post, but that particular wood burner has a jacket of water all around it, that feeds the central heating. The water takes so much heat away that the sides are usually cool enough to touch, especially the left one that still has its outer panel. It's worth noting that not all stoves are like this, though.


      1. Jayne:
        Dec 10, 2020 at 06:19 PM

        reassuring to know - I have no experience of your sort of wood burner, only my 'normal' one which obviously gets blisteringly hot!


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