Living in the Land Where Clouds are Born
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  1. Rebecca Olds:
    Dec 02, 2020 at 06:48 PM

    Interesting read. Maybe I should try this. Especially as it's so convenient. Do I need to actually swim? As in, proper technique? I've never learned. I've got good sense about being near the sea - I just don't tend to get in it. Can I just submerge myself and move around for a while? I'll go check out the Outdoor Swimming Society website...

    1. rseabrook:
      Dec 02, 2020 at 08:08 PM

      No, actual swimming is far from essential. I often do no more than a few strokes, and just bob about in the waves, mostly. If you're not a confident swimmer you should stay well within your depth - the sea can pull you about, so you want to be sure you can walk back if needed.

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Comments (2)

  1. Rebecca Olds:
    Dec 02, 2020 at 06:48 PM

    Interesting read. Maybe I should try this. Especially as it's so convenient. Do I need to actually swim? As in, proper technique? I've never learned. I've got good sense about being near the sea - I just don't tend to get in it. Can I just submerge myself and move around for a while? I'll go check out the Outdoor Swimming Society website...


    1. rseabrook:
      Dec 02, 2020 at 08:08 PM

      No, actual swimming is far from essential. I often do no more than a few strokes, and just bob about in the waves, mostly. If you're not a confident swimmer you should stay well within your depth - the sea can pull you about, so you want to be sure you can walk back if needed.


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